Make the Quantum Leap

Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve Unstoppable


Do you feel like your life is controlling you? I can teach you how to control your life by controlling your thoughts, so you can build a life you are proud of. 

Who Am I

I Am Tim Donoghue. An Elite Level Performance Coach.

With years of experience and a track record of success, I know what it takes to help my clients design, create, and achieve the kinds of lives they want to live.

I focus on changing your conditioning (paradigms) using a proven system that produces permanent change – not temporary results.

I’ve taught mental toughness for the Navy SEALS and in corporate America for companies like Coca-Cola, Merrill Lynch, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, Volvo, the Boston Celtics, and many more. I’ve coached students from all across the world including Europe, South America, Canada, and more.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to turn all your efforts into tangible results.

Our 3 Step Process

Our process is designed so that you can tell us what you want and we can show you exactly how to get there.

Initial Consultation

This will be an opportunity for you to discuss your current situation and goals with Tim and gain clarity on your next steps so you can begin creating the life you’ve always envisioned for yourself.

Program Sessions

If you decide to enroll in Thinking into Results, you will begin a series of modules, lesson facilitations, and coaching sessions. There will also be exclusive lessons from Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher. These sessions will be tailored to clarify the lesson material, and answer your questions. Tim will take you on a deep dive into changing your behavior and thought process so you can change your life forever.

Personalized Support

Throughout the program, Tim will provide ongoing support and follow-up personalized to your needs. This may include check-ins, email support, weekly Q&A calls, resources, and tools to help you maintain your progress and continue to improve. Tim will be available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance as needed.


We help our clients to create the kind of lives they truly want…but don’t take our word for it. Here are some of our clients reviews:

Trey Whitehurst

Business Owner/Entrepreneur


“I could never have imagined the changes that would occur in just the first 8 weeks-it’s really just insane-the things that have been happening.

Gary Keisler

Business Owner/Entrepreneur


“My advice to anyone thinking of working with Tim in his coaching program is ‘You’d be a fool not to do it if you want to make positive changes in your life.’ The only thing that bothers me about this, is that I really wish I had done this a long time ago. I wish I had done this 15 years ago.”

Vera Putnikovic

Business Owner/Entrepreneur


“Among the many other goals I achieved, I’m so grateful that I quit smoking with Thinking into Results.”

Dr. Maz Neshat

Maz Wellness Center


“Almost immediately, Thinking into Results began to change how we thought, about what & how we were doing things inside my practice. In less than 6 weeks, I was able to literally double my Month-Over-Month revenue in my Practice. The program paid for itself in pretty much the first month!

Laurie M.



“I’m so much more of everything I ever wanted to be, and now I know the things I wanted to know and I believe them too.”

Brant S.

Mergers & Acquisitions (Fortune 500 Co.)


“I choose Tim because he has a way of cutting through the fluff of life and boiling everything down to a simple sentence. The biggest benefit I’ve seen from this program is the ability to gather control over my thoughts and really understand that everything in my life is tied to what I think. Do you wanna better the quality of your life? If so, sign up for this program. ”

Jennifer G.

Business Owner/Entrepreneur


“I took Thinking into Results with Tim because I desperately needed a change. Now, we are on a trajectory to have our best year in 20 years of business. I do believe the biggest benefit has been my personal growth. Thinking into Results is an absolute game changer, and Tim is a master of this material. I am forever grateful, It has improved my quality of life.”

Bill H.

Insurance Broker


“I was stuck in a rut, I had hit a plateau and was stuck in this pattern in the way I was working and the way I was thinking. I thought I knew how to get out of the rut, but I had to be honest with myself. I hadn’t gotten out of the rut in years. The investment in time and money paid off in 8 months. With the help of the program and Tim’s coaching, I am on track to hitting my lofty goal that I would have never set alone. ”

Stop Settling for Less. Achieve


If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it.