Maximized Lifestyle is an International Mindset,

Manifestation & Success Coaching Company.

We Serve Individuals and Corporations to Create Permanent Change
to get the results you want in your life, career, and business.

Maximized Lifestyle is an International Mindset,

Manifestation & Success Coaching Company.

We Serve Individuals and Corporations to Create Permanent Change to get the results you want in your life, career, and business.


meet tim

Tim has a diverse and interesting background that spans several industries for over 30+ years including 10+ years as a licensed investment broker & financial advisor with large firms such as Merrill Lynch, UBS PaineWebber, & Raymond James. He has also built 3 successful companies (which he still manages today)-one of which is a real estate investment company, a Commercial LED Lighting Company and a very successful Elite Level Coaching & Consulting Business which is where his true passion lies as a Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant.

This is his story in his own words-

Even though I had come across Bob Proctor’s teachings as early as 2000, I didn’t really believe in them back then. It was only a couple of years later when I was in the backyard with my son, that I realized, I only had about 10 years left with my 4-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter before they’d want to spend all their time with friends. I decided I had to MAXIMIZE the next 10 years and be a part of their lives for as much time as possible.

Now, even though I knew what I wanted, I didn’t know how to get there. This time, I put Bob’s material into practice and hired a coach. I also worked on building a Real Estate portfolio with no money to invest and little knowledge about the field. But the combined result of these efforts was beyond incredible. By the end of that year, I had bought 31 properties and sold some of them generating huge profits and residual income. All of this (thanks to Bob Proctor’s teachings) allowed me to attend 689 out of 700 Baseball games that my son played in, and I went to every dance recital, and almost every gymnastics meet and volleyball game my daughter played in. I really was able to maximize those 10 years and to be the best father I could be and I am forever grateful for it.

Meanwhile, I used Bob’s material to start another business and enrolled in the Bob Proctor Coaching Program. This was like Grad School to the things I had learned earlier. I have since come to find out, it was really like grammar school, I had just scratched the surface.

Now, all I want to do is to teach this life-changing knowledge to as many people as I can. Through it, I have seen my clients do some of the most extraordinary things that they never thought possible.

Their lives have been transformed in indescribable ways, but I take no credit. Like every other person on this planet, they have within them tremendous power, deep pools of talents and abilities, and so do you! I just help you rearrange those things and bring them to the surface so you can go from where you are now, to where you really want to be!

So if you’re toying around with the idea of coaching, think no more- book a complimentary discovery call. It is hands down, the best decision I have ever made and it will be for you too.


meet tim

Tim has a diverse and interesting background that spans several industries for over 30+ years including 10+ years as a licensed investment broker & financial advisor with large firms such as Merrill Lynch, UBS PaineWebber, & Raymond James. He has also built 3 successful companies (which he still manages today)-one of which is a real estate investment company, a Commercial LED Lighting Company and a very successful Elite Level Coaching & Consulting Business which is where his true passion lies as a Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant.

This is his story in his own words-

Even though I had come across Bob Proctor’s teachings as early as 2000, I didn’t really believe in them back then. It was only a couple of years later when I was in the backyard with my son, that I realized, I only had about 10 years left with my 4-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter before they’d want to spend all their time with friends. I decided I had to MAXIMIZE the next 10 years and be a part of their lives for as much time as possible.

Now, even though I knew what I wanted, I didn’t know how to get there. This time, I put Bob’s material into practice and hired a coach. I also worked on building a Real Estate portfolio with no money to invest and little knowledge about the field. But the combined result of these efforts was beyond incredible. By the end of that year, I had bought 31 properties and sold some of them generating huge profits and residual income. All of this (thanks to Bob Proctor’s teachings) allowed me to attend 689 out of 700 Baseball games that my son played in, and I went to every dance recital, and almost every gymnastics meet and volleyball game my daughter played in. I really was able to maximize those 10 years and to be the best father I could be and I am forever grateful for it.

Meanwhile, I used Bob’s material to start another business and enrolled in the Bob Proctor Coaching Program. This was like Grad School to the things I had learned earlier. I have since come to find out, it was really like grammar school, I had just scratched the surface.

Now, all I want to do is to teach this life-changing knowledge to as many people as I can. Through it, I have seen my clients do some of the most extraordinary things that they never thought possible.

Now, all I want to do is to teach this life-changing knowledge to as many people as I can. Through it, I have seen my clients do some of the most extraordinary things that they never thought possible.

Their lives have been transformed in indescribable ways, but I take no credit. Like every other person on this planet, they have within them tremendous power, deep pools of talents and abilities, and so do you! I just help you rearrange those things and bring them to the surface so you can go from where you are now, to where you really want to be!

So if you’re toying around with the idea of coaching, think no more- book a complimentary discovery call. It is hands down, the best decision I have ever made and it will be for you too.