Because of this exact program, I have been able to massively alter
every aspect of my life - AND I WANT YOU TO DO THE SAME.

Including my wealth, my health, my business, and my relationships!

Did you know that you can train your mind to manifest exactly the kind of life you want to live?
Whether it's success in career, family, relationships, or health- live a life that is designed by YOU.

You are the MASTER of your DESTINY.

No matter where you are in life, through Thinking Into Results, you will experience a truly
transformational process that takes you from where you are to where you want to be!


Because of this exact program, I have been able to massively alter every aspect of my life - AND I WANT YOU TO DO THE SAME.

Including my wealth, my health, my business, and my relationships!

Did you know that you can train your mind to manifest exactly the kind of life you want to live? Whether it's success in career, family, relationships, or health- live a life that is designed by YOU.

You are the MASTER of your DESTINY.

No matter where you are in life, through Thinking Into Results, you will experience a truly transformational process that takes you from where you are to where you want to be!


6 Months for Radical Transformation

You are capable of way more than the current results you see in your life. You Know this – that’s why you’re on this page! I want to walk you through the exact blueprint that I used to completely and radically change my life.


With Thinking Into Results, you travel through a step-by-step system that begins with getting crystal clear on your goals and what you really, really want, and then discovering your “knowing-doing gap” and uncovering and eliminating limiting beliefs and behaviors.


You will learn how to re-program your mind and master your mindset & attitude so that taking action in the direction of your goals is easy.


Throughout this journey you will Unleash Your Hidden Potential:  You have immense energy, talent, and potential that is lying dormant, and it’s already within you waiting to be awakened. Let’s find it and awaken it together. You’ll learn to work less and earn more.


There was a time when I was scrambling to make it all happen-struggling and really trying hard to make it all work but not much was happening. I was still not really getting any closer to what I really wanted. I know you can relate to this.





6 Months for Radical Transformation

You are capable of way more than the current results you see in your life. You Know this – that’s why you’re on this page! I want to walk you through the exact blueprint that I used to completely and radically change my life.


With Thinking Into Results, you travel through a step-by-step system that begins with getting crystal clear on your goals and what you really, really want, and then discovering your “knowing-doing gap” and uncovering and eliminating limiting beliefs and behaviors.


You will learn how to re-program your mind and master your mindset & attitude so that taking action in the direction of your goals is easy.


Throughout this journey you will Unleash Your Hidden Potential:  You have immense energy, talent, and potential that is lying dormant, and it’s already within you waiting to be awakened. Let’s find it and awaken it together. You’ll learn to work less and earn more.


There was a time when I was scrambling to make it all happen-struggling and really trying hard to make it all work but not much was happening. I was still not really getting any closer to what I really wanted. I know you can relate to this.




I want this to be your year, the year where you completely transform your:

income, your business, and your lifestyle

I want this to be the year that you take that dream vacation, buy that car, design and build that home, and create that 6 figure and multi-6 figure income.

You will look back on this moment, right here-right now, and be so thankful that you took a leap of faith and decided to work on you and your goals. I remember it like it was yesterday…

I am sharing the exact blueprint that changed absolutely everything for me. This blueprint took me from lack and debt, struggle and a life that was not working, to achieving my goals, prosperous businesses, and my true passion-sharing this extraordinary information with as many people as I can.


What is included ?

Live Bi Weekly Thinking Into Results Group

Coaching/Lesson Facilitations (75-90 minutes)

Live Alternating weeks:

Group Coaching/Thinking Into results Q&A (60-90 Minutes)

Entire Course Material Including Workbook is

Digital-Accessed though Client Portal of Proctor Gallagher Institute. (hard copies optional and based on availability)

MP3's and videos to guide you along the way

Digital Text Book



1 Year access to an online support community with

others studying the program (smaller text ok -I'm a firm believer that your income is the average of the top 5 people you spend most of your time with, so spend it with those who are achieving their goals as well!)



Bob Proctor’s “You Were Born Rich” E-book

You Were Born Rich Workbook

This Book is so good that it became the foundation for the majority of corporate training programs in the country. The forward is written by Doug Wead, Special Assistant to the President George H.W. Bush. In the forward,  Mr. Wead writes that “Bob Proctor is the ‘Master Thinker’ and  “ So when you are tapping into the wisdom of Bob Proctor, you are in for more than a review of the latest “success fad” of the decade. 


You are tapping into the embodiment of an ongoing ‘study’ of human nature and success that spans three generations. Bob Proctor is the curator of this science of success and this powerful book offers a generous display of some of its many treasures.”


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