What you’ve learned about Goal Setting in the past could be hurting you.
Discover WHY 95% of the population is not living the kind of life they want to live. It has everything to do with HOW people set goals.
Learn the top 3 mistakes that people make all over the world when setting goals and the disastrous consequences of these mistakes. Just knowing these 3 mistakes has the power to completely change your future forever.
Understand how not having goals or having the wrong type of goals actually affects your physical and mental health.
If you are not where you want to be, the CAUSE is your paradigm.
UNDERSTAND this mental program in your subconscious mind & how it literally determines all of the results you experience in your life.
CLOSE your “Knowing-Doing Gap”. Do you really need to know more? No. You simply need to begin doing the things you already know how to do!
Consistently, the largest breakthroughs come from people GETTING A HANDLE ON their Knowing-Doing Gap. Understand this and you are at a huge advantage!
Why is this SO Important? PSYCHOLOGY has proven that we can NEVER outperform our self-image. Learn EXACTLY what to do about it.
Have you heard that MINDSET is everything? Learn the NEUROSCIENCE behind why this is so. UNDERSTAND the different types of mindsets you can have and the REASONS WHY they affect what you can accomplish.
This is why most people REMAIN STUCK, right where they are, year after year, for a lifetime.
Have you ever been torn between two things and were unable to decide? If you have, then day 04 is for you.
Decision-making is a skill which ALL WEALTHY PEOPLE have mastered. Learn the DO’s AND DONT’S of this skill. “If you want to be wealthy, DO what wealthy people do”.
You’ve asked for more details about the LAWS and the LAW of ATTRACTION.
On day 5 we will break this law down so that it is easily understood. This will be followed by a full-on Q & A session where you can get all your questions from the 5 days answered.
Interaction is the key to learning and by exchanging ideas, we expand our abilities to THINK and understand!